MYTH: A page two directories deep is going to be less optimized than a page in the root.
FACT: What matters is where you, and others, link to. If you have a page three directories deep with lots of high-quality …
One of the most important things a business owner can do when redesigning their website is to keep their SEO team involved during the redesigning process. The SEO knows the history of the site, knows the site architecture, and …
Majestic SEO is one of the best link intelligence tools available to website owners today and the best part is that it’s free, at least a big part of it is, and definitely holds it’s own against tools such as …
So you wanna track phone calls eh? Easy enough my friend. There are some excellent call tracking platforms out in the world including IfByPhone, Mongoose Metrics, VoiceStar and more. We’ve researched a ton of them and while they all had …
You can visit just about any SEO blog on the web and you’ll find a post telling you to avoid building nofollow links to your website, but that’s the advice you should be avoiding instead. There are several reasons why …
If a date is appearing at the beginning of your site’s description on a Google search results page, there is a probably a good reason why. Some site sites want these dates to appear such as blog posts, news sites, …
I read a lot of blogs and forums and one subject that seems to be recurring is that people have a lot of trouble coming up with content ideas for their websites. I think the big problem is that many …
Results Summary
A 14% improvement in online sales was seen from properly optimizing the AllClear ID Guarantee trust seals and elements on Organic search traffic’s conversion rate increased 30%.
Test Parties
AllClear ID delivers helpful and easy to use …