How We Helped Skreened Achieve 360% ROAS on Their Google Shopping Campaigns

  1. How do you combine this strategy with ROAS automatic bidding?

    • Hey Alessandro – great question. Unfortunately, we don’t have a great answer (outside of theory) for how a search query tired campaign strategy would be impacted when implementing ROAS bidding. Throughout this test, we utilized a manual bidding strategy. However, through our testing of this strategy on other clients and additional research, we can see some areas where ROAS automatic bidding strategy wouldn’t ‘play nice’ with the tiered campaign structure. For example, if bids in a tier (a tier other than the lowest tier) are decreased to a level so low that the product is no longer competitive in the auction, then the tiered structure will break as search queries will drop down to the next tier in the funnel. In theory, however, as long as bids remain competitive and are able to garner the appropriate traffic (and conversions!) designated for it’s tier, the tiered system should work as expected. We can say, however, we’ve restructured accounts that were initially based on ROAS bidding into the tired search query bidding approach and have seen improvements in ROAS.

      Have you tried out this tiered strategy? If so, we’d love to hear your thoughts on how it changed performance of your campaigns. Additionally, we’d love to hear your thoughts on how combining the tiered shopping campaign structure with ROAS automatic bidding would change results.

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About The Author

Aaron St Gelais.

Aaron St Gelais (Alumni)

Aaron St Gelais has been involved in the online marketing industry since 2008. He got his start as an affiliate marketer in the performance marketing industry.

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